
Thursday, September 27, 2012

Sometimes I feel I am like this.

Maybe I overreact a bit.

I swear I don't need mental help.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Just follow the highway.

You DO know that everything comes to an end. I used to think that end between us had to be the death of one of us, that nothing else could make us fall apart from each other.
But I was wrong.
What really has dragged us apart is my own path. The road I've started to follow. And YOUR road. The one you don't want to walk. The one you keep avoiding no matter what.
I can't pretend I will follow the same road as you'll do, or that I can walk it for you. You have to realize that on your own, and TAKE THE WHEEL. For your own sake. And I'm sure you're gonna be happy as long as you do that, because in that moment you will be LIVING YOUR LIFE. Just like that. It doesn't matter if you live it with someone else, I just want to see you fullfilling your dreams and getting everything you want.
I don't care about the rest, as long as you don't stay at the same place you're now. 'Cause then I would be sad. So please carry on. There's many surprises awaiting you down there.
Me? I will carry on. I am trying to take my wheel whilst making some sense out of what happens around me. I try my best every day to live my life in a way it makes an impact on something, somewhere or someone. And you know what? I'm enjoying it like crazy. Even though you're not here by my side. Even though I have to give a little extra something to smile and be as cool as always. Like if nothing had happened. It did, and it hurts, 'cause ripping you away from my life broke something inside me. I'm not sure if you and me are two parts of an equal but I do know that I LOVED YOU and I gave you EVERYTHING I had. 'Cause that's who I am, I can't give half of myself. And that's probably wrong but it's a long habit I can't get rid off that easily. I guess I would never do.
Luckily we both will keep living and the roads of life have many curves. Maybe one of those curves drags us close to each other again someday. Maybe not. But meanwhile just LIVE. That's the only favor I'm asking. Don't wait for nothing, not even for me. I'm going forward. And I don't know what's gonna happen tomorrow.
(Perdón por amar un buen tu foto, neta perdón. Here's the author's FB fanpage)

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

My life right now.

I might tell you later, once I figure it out.
I need alcohol, SO MUCH.