
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Meet my dog.

My whole life I've been used to have dogs. Right now my house is under control of two of this awful beasts. Today's post is about one of them, Nana the Schnauzer.

Nana came into my life when her original family gave her into adoption because... well you will see why. So they actually offered her to my mother and due to reasons, she ended up being MY dog. I'm the one who takes her off to walk, and pick up her shit, she sleeps on my bed and everything.

The reason why she's so special to me is because... well... SHE'S NUTS.
Her character is really something. The day I met her she actually jumped at my face to bite my nose. I was standing on my doorway. Coming from the street.
Besides her daily fights with either her tail or her back paw, she also likes going out to the street and barking to neighbor dudes, doing their usual neighbor stuff AT THEIR OWN GARDENS.

Yes, my neighbors are really poorly drawn.

I'm afraid they don't find this as hilarious as I do.
One of the best things about sharing my vital area with another live being is that I find myself also sharing things like my own bed, which, actually, to this point, IS HER BED.
Seriously, is like having a husband but without the sexual part. She's hairy, she smells, she's demanding, she farts and burps (A LOT) and growls, and drools, and vomits...
Of course she's also like my very own personal living alarm clock, 'cause she always, every single morning at 9:00 AM, scratches my door for me to get my ass off bed and take her out to pee. She's a rabid monster, a hairy mofo with razor sharped claws, bad breath and worse mood.
God I love her.

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