
Saturday, June 1, 2013

Starting June with the engine running.

Three months after, IT'S DONE, our first studio quality EP is right out the oven, and it also soon will be available for y'all guys to pump the volume up your speakers.
It's been an awesome experience, and I'm absolutely sure that all of our massive work, all the hours spent inside a cabin playing or singing, it will all pay off somehow, specially if you guys appreciate our dedication and actually SING OUR SONGS and share them with your friends so our community keeps growing.
I love you all, I hope I'll have some more news, soon.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

The day a wolf became a prey.

There's always a time in your life when you discover you are going to end up running away from everything. The perspective around you shows an outcome that it is not pretty to look at, you can't feel well at practicly anywhere you are.
Maybe I do am a lot less than I thought, maybe I am not the person I wanted to be, maybe I am even more of a coward than I thought I actually was. Maybe I am just no good enduring everything I've put myself trough.
I don't know where the answer could be. I don't even know what to do now.
I'm just a little scared fucker cornered inside its own massive self destructive world.
Where are you?

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Meet my dog.

My whole life I've been used to have dogs. Right now my house is under control of two of this awful beasts. Today's post is about one of them, Nana the Schnauzer.

Nana came into my life when her original family gave her into adoption because... well you will see why. So they actually offered her to my mother and due to reasons, she ended up being MY dog. I'm the one who takes her off to walk, and pick up her shit, she sleeps on my bed and everything.

The reason why she's so special to me is because... well... SHE'S NUTS.
Her character is really something. The day I met her she actually jumped at my face to bite my nose. I was standing on my doorway. Coming from the street.
Besides her daily fights with either her tail or her back paw, she also likes going out to the street and barking to neighbor dudes, doing their usual neighbor stuff AT THEIR OWN GARDENS.

Yes, my neighbors are really poorly drawn.

I'm afraid they don't find this as hilarious as I do.
One of the best things about sharing my vital area with another live being is that I find myself also sharing things like my own bed, which, actually, to this point, IS HER BED.
Seriously, is like having a husband but without the sexual part. She's hairy, she smells, she's demanding, she farts and burps (A LOT) and growls, and drools, and vomits...
Of course she's also like my very own personal living alarm clock, 'cause she always, every single morning at 9:00 AM, scratches my door for me to get my ass off bed and take her out to pee. She's a rabid monster, a hairy mofo with razor sharped claws, bad breath and worse mood.
God I love her.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

To a best friend.

Hey you! happy birthday, I know you gave me a way better gift for mine, but this work was
So, hope you like it.
I might not say this often but I'm glad you're my friend, I'm glad I can count on you whenever I have real problems, and I'm sorry for all those bad times I might have put you through, I'm certain that whatever they were, it was not my intention to hurt you or make you feel bad in any moment. Maybe I'm just a bit of a big mouth.
Next year will be better, take it for granted.
Lots of hugs.

PS. I'm sorry I made you look kinda like that Sailor Moon guy.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012


I know, for many many many of you Christmas is a consumist-oriented holiday full of hipocrisy. A time of the year that you don't really enjoy because you end up spending your time with people that, despite blood relationships, they have absolutely nothing to do with you, you don't give a single crap about them and they probably don't give a single crap about you, either.
And you might be right. And maybe I'm agree with all of you, 'cause I do feel there's a lot of bullshit going on this time of year, but you know what? I've come to realize that the real problem here is PEOPLE.
So let people fuck with each other, and try to worry and send your love to the people you really care about, they will appreciate it.
I'm one of those who decided to not give a fuck about nothing at all, eat like a starved politic refugee, and practically swim in vodka-based cocktails while singing ridiculous chaotic christmas carols, knocking down Santa Claus's and Virgin Mary's figurines, bugging the fuck out of my relatives and doing a mess with the tree decorations.

And my message to all of you out there who shove your heads into your turtle shell through the whole season:

Have a wonderful christmas, get so drunk that you don't remember practically anything at all.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


Almost all the time I act like I have not the slightest doubt. About anything.
But I do, I really do.
And I don't know how to act, most of the time. I'm doing things for this to move forward and for us to become something, and I'm so SO scared of the final outcome of this.'Cause I'm not really playing safe here.
I'm so full of doubts now. All the time. It wasn't like that before. I don't even know why I'm writing all of this, it really won't solve anything. I think I just had to let it out.
I hope there's something down there on the road for us.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

My birthday.

SO. I just turned 24 on november the 28th. Every single year, since I'm 18, I throw a party for my birthday. And this year wasn't the exception. BUT IT WAS A LITTLE  DIFFERENT.
I was a little reluctant about doing this party home, 'cause I live like in suburbia, away from town, and it's a little hard to get here if you don't have a car, but I really didn't had any other place to do it, so I called all the buddies I could -I like, how'd I tell you, MASSIVE RABID HARDCORE PARTIES- came home, and waited.
After a while my friends (my usual, all-time, best-of-the-best friends) arrived, and those 8-9 people are JUST ENOUGH to make a hella big mess, so the party began.
This is a graphic summary of how my party went, chronologically.

SO NOW, there are several theories of what happened during that blackout. All I can tell for sure is that someone knocked on my door, I opened it, and a huge bunch of people dressed in black came in. A facebook acquaintance, which my friends say I asked him his name around 5 times, along with his friends. Then my dog went all crazy and ran away, so we went chasing for her. I said "we" but what I did was actually stand in my yard for I don't know how long, waiting for my friends to get her back home. They found her so we went inside again. 
Then black. 
Then me, my girls, and the bathroom, with me throwing up, of course. 
Then my angry mother, pulling me off the floor, yelling at me and locking me inside my room. 
Then black, again.
And the next morning. A burning hell, made a huge mess, having to be awake before 11:00 AM and heading straight down a soundcheck for a gig that same night.