
Thursday, December 6, 2012

My birthday.

SO. I just turned 24 on november the 28th. Every single year, since I'm 18, I throw a party for my birthday. And this year wasn't the exception. BUT IT WAS A LITTLE  DIFFERENT.
I was a little reluctant about doing this party home, 'cause I live like in suburbia, away from town, and it's a little hard to get here if you don't have a car, but I really didn't had any other place to do it, so I called all the buddies I could -I like, how'd I tell you, MASSIVE RABID HARDCORE PARTIES- came home, and waited.
After a while my friends (my usual, all-time, best-of-the-best friends) arrived, and those 8-9 people are JUST ENOUGH to make a hella big mess, so the party began.
This is a graphic summary of how my party went, chronologically.

SO NOW, there are several theories of what happened during that blackout. All I can tell for sure is that someone knocked on my door, I opened it, and a huge bunch of people dressed in black came in. A facebook acquaintance, which my friends say I asked him his name around 5 times, along with his friends. Then my dog went all crazy and ran away, so we went chasing for her. I said "we" but what I did was actually stand in my yard for I don't know how long, waiting for my friends to get her back home. They found her so we went inside again. 
Then black. 
Then me, my girls, and the bathroom, with me throwing up, of course. 
Then my angry mother, pulling me off the floor, yelling at me and locking me inside my room. 
Then black, again.
And the next morning. A burning hell, made a huge mess, having to be awake before 11:00 AM and heading straight down a soundcheck for a gig that same night.



  1. Lo increible es que el desvanecimiento total ocurriera hasta las 4 de la mañana!!

  2. Jajajaj eso me pasó a mi, tome nomás cagüama, vino, vodka, tequila, mezcal y submarinos *chela con mezcal* lo último que recuerdo es que salí al patio a escuchar a una amiga cantar Cucurru cucú paloma e.e y ZAS no supe de mi hasta el día siguiente, amanecí en un colchón con varias amistades y todos destilando alcohol e.e

    1. Yo tomé cerveza. Luego tequila, ron, vodka, SAKE (:S) y whisky. Malditos juegos de beber, son la onda pero te tuercen bien feíto.

  3. Es del nabo que te pase eso jajajajaja sape :D
