
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

A quick one.

Right now my  laptop clock says that it is 12:01 am.
This is probably the only blog entry I'm gonna give you this week 'cause I'm EXTRA DAMN BUSY. Seriously, as I write this my eyes are doing their best to avoid I stay up late, but what the hell.
My social service program already started, despite all the trouble I went trying to actually find something decent and not absolutely boring to do. I got to go to college everyday, as always, as member of a supporting team for diffusion of cultural activities inside the Arts Faculty.
Also I'm trying to get a car for us to go to set the location of our upcoming video along witth the crew and check times and makeup artists and dressing (it's good I have our manager Cintya to support me and the girls in this kind of things).
But the best part is that we're having TWO gigs this week: one on thursday and the other one on friday. We're performing for the first time a song that we finally get to finish (SO much trouble with it) aand that should be about everything. PHEW! I give you both nights flyers, thursday and friday:

This is thursday.

This is friday.
I'm pretty sure there are actually PEOPLE out there reading my blog. Please prove you're not just bots and leave a comment anywhere, really, you can send me a post it if you like. Either that or...
Thanks for reading.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Just me and my obsession with buses.

To-do list when I'm riding the bus back home.

That bus gets really REALLY crowded at the time I'm heading back home, so I just made a little list of things I have to do BEFORE, DURING, and AFTER the bus ride. Yeah, maybe I'm just a freaky bitch.


1. Quick check from the outside of the bus if it is HEAVILY crowded. Because always, on that bus stop where I take it, waiting with me is the same fucking load of people who's ALREADY on the bus. So if it's really crowded I wait for the next one.

2. Check the time. If it's too late (usually bus service stops circa 9:00 pm) there's NO WAY I could avoid getting into popping eye hardcore filled buses.

3. Make sure my school Id. (for discount) is at hand but not VISIBLE to the driver, because those sneaky fuckers will run away from you if they see the Id, preferring not to give you a lift and lose a passenger than charge a reduced ride fee.


1. The very first thing I do is sit on the best spot possible. usually I rather the middle back of the bus, since I can control and check the seats stock nicely over there and it's not that bumpy as the last two or three last rows of seats. AND it's close to the back door.

This is a poorly drawn version of where I always choose to seat.
Exaggerated. Of course I'm not really that cute.

2.Check the number of seats available and make a quick statistic of the number of people getting up and down at each stop to know if by the end of my ride I will be able to get off comfortable and properly or if I will have to get my shit together and make use of violence.

3.At this point I either doze off thinking about the crabs or go all nervous and pissed and think about the best way out in case of the end of the world coming, or a zombie apocalypse, or many terrible possible scenarios.

4.Stand cautiously from my seat and quickly check if nothing fell from me or I'm forgetting something on my way to ring the bus bell.

5.Make the stop considering the time lapses between the ringing, the monkey driver NOTICING I'm ringing, and the time it takes for him to slow down and stop without hurting anyone around. Then I jump off, kneel on the ground, cry, and kiss it fervorously.


1. Finally, when I'm safe and standing on solid ground check again for cellphone, keys, purse, or other stuff I had before the ride. Also check if there's no lice from the headrests of the bus or any strange object on me.


Friday, August 3, 2012

Random Modeling Session With a Friend Photographer.

Nothing to write about last week. Just the thing with the video for "Bullet Casket", the script is awesomingly good and we will be recording the first scenes PRETTY soon :D
I'm gonna just share a couple pics I got yesterday from a photo session with a friend of mine from college, I really liked them, I hope you can post some reviews regarding my model work (I felt a little stiff, it was early and didn't had the time to prepare as properly as I should). Enjoy!
Photography: Sergio Arturo Perez Martínez.



Kinda weird

Kinda good


My face is sooo weird

Meeeh :P

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